
Finding Your Perfect Shapewear

by | All About Bras | 2 comments

Finding your

Perfect Shapewear!


Love it or Hate it, there are times when nothing else will do…

Read these Top 3 Tips from The Bra Guru on finding your

Perfect Shapewear!


Contrary to popular belief, Shapewear, will not help you drop a dress size… and choosing an incorrect size can only have the opposite effect and is sure to give you a night of indigestion. Nor…is it only reserved for the fuller figure.

Shapewear has the power to enhance and it can be comfortable, I Promise. So if you are not finding it comfortable, perhaps it’s time to look at some tips that will turn that dreaded circulation thief into your undercover best friend!


1. Don’t Buy Shapewear that is too small

Gosh, have we been getting this wrong for years?
Shapewear firms up your current size and in order to create a streamlined look, you want to go with a comfortable size. Start with your current brief size.

Too Small


2. How to put on Shapewear without dislocating your shoulder

Maybe a mild muscle strain is more accurate, even when you buy your right size, it can be a trifle tricky to get on.  Our recommendation is to step into your shapewear rather than trying to get it over your head. You should step in one leg after the other, then it’s a steady pull up.

Painful Shoulder


3. Choose the right style

If your tummy is your biggest concern, then control briefs are what you are after, if you are wearing a figure-hugging dress, then a shaper dress or shorts will smooth out any lumps or bumps.
There are definitely benefits to having a reliable pair in your cupboard when the occasion arrives. Here are my top recommendations:

Support Lower Tummy

Smooths Thighs & Bottom, Seamless

Supports Tummy, Waist & Bottom

Book your appointment with The Bra Guru to help you find the perfect shapewear for you!

With Love,

Taryn xoxo

Our size range caters for up to a K cup

To view more of our range please book an appointment for you one-on-one bra fitting consultation.

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