When you’re feeling overwhelmed and out of control, you’ll need to stop, take in a few deep breaths and do some internal work to organize your life and regain a sense of calm and control. Here are three important things you can do to take back your life today:
Take a Moment to Catalog Your Life
Write down all of your responsibilities, stressors and activities. Analyze each item on your list, and ask yourself if it’s truly necessary in your life. Is a responsibility something you have to do, such as paying the rent? Or is something you perceive as a responsibility non-essential like doing favors for others? Dig deep to try finding what’s causing you stress and brainstorm ideas on how to resolve those stressors. In business, this planning and the beneficial actions taken afterward are known as a Kaizen event, and they are key to helping an organization eliminate waste and operate more efficiently. Kaizen isn’t just used in business. People find it helpful in streamlining their personal lives as well.
Clear Out the Clutter
As you may have guessed from the previous point, clutter is not only stressful but it impairs your efficiency and productivity too. When you keep your personal space and electronics organized and free of clutter, it helps you feel calm and in control. Now that we live in a digital world, you must prevent digital clutter on your devices as well as physical clutter in your home and office. One way to declutter is the Marie Kondo philosophy. It involves getting rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy and finding a way to keep your space organized without additional equipment.
Take a ‘You’ Day
When you don’t make enough time for yourself, you’ll feel overwhelmed and out of control. Remember to consistently set aside time to take care of yourself. Enjoy a hot, relaxing bath with your favorite essential oils. Buy a new outfit that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Go to the bookstore and drink a cup of coffee while reading a new book. You’ll feel much better when you do things you enjoy and engage in relaxing activities.
Once you have found a way to maintain balance in your life, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and out of control. Following the three tips above will guide you in learning what balance means for you. When you determine what is wasting your time and energy and focus on yourself, you’ll be on the path to a healthy, successful future.
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With Love,
Taryn xoxo
Our size range caters for up to a K cup
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